Your Linear Programming
by Elmer G. Wiens
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Linear programming example |
Zero sum two person game |
Solve your own l.p. problem |
Simplex method algorithm
Set up your problem in the following manner as in:
Press, William H., et al. Numerical Recipes. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989.
Maximize Z = X1 + X2 + 3*X3 - .5*X4
with all the X's non-negative and also with
X1 | | + 2*X3 |
| <= 740 |
| 2*X2 | | - 7*X4 |
<= 0 |
  | X2 | - X3 | + 2*X4 |
>= .5 |
X1 | + X2 | + X3 | + X4 |
= 9 |
The first equation is the objective function. The next four equations are the constraints on the independent variables (X1, X2, X3, X4).
Notice that the RHS numbers (to the right of <=, >=, or =) must all be positive.
We need to set some parameters for my program.
n = 4 (the number of independent variables)
m = 4 (the number of constraints)
m1 = 2 (the number of <= constraints)
m2 = 1 (the number of >= constraints)
m3 = 1 (the number of = constraints)
We also need to introduce slack variables (Y1, Y2, Y3), one for each <= and >= constraint, so that the set of constraints are:
X1 |   | + 2*X3 |
| + Y1 | | |
= 740 | |
| 2*X2 | | - 7*X4 |
| + Y2 | | = 0 |
  | X2 | - X3 | + 2*X4 |
| | - Y3 | = .5 |
X1 | + X2 | + X3 | + X4 |
| | | = 9 |
Notice the pattern of + and - signs for the <= and >= constraints.
Not done yet! Now we create artificial variables (Z1,Z2,Z3,Z4) and rewrite the equations (including the objective function) as:
Z0 = | 0 |
+ 1*X1 | + 1*X2 | + 3*X3 | - .5*X4 |
+ 0*Y1 | + 0*Y2 | + 0*Y3 |
Z1 = | 740 |
- 1*X1 | + 0*X2 | - 2*X3 |
+ 0*X4 | - 1*Y1 | + 0*Y2; | + 0*Y3 |
Z2 = | 0 |
+ 0*X1 | - 2*X2 | + 0*X3 | + 7*X4 |
+ 0*Y1 | - 1*Y2 | + 0*Y3 |
Z3 = | 0.5 |
+ 0*X1 | - 1*X2 | + 1*X3 | - 2*X4 |
+ 0*Y1 | + 0*Y2 | + 1*Y3 |
Z4 = | 9 |
- 1*X1 | - 1*X2 | - 1*X3 | - 1*X4 |
+ 0*Y1 | + 0*Y2 | + 0*Y3 |
The above equations are in "restricted normal form".
You must take convert your linear programming problem to the above form.
Certain restrictions apply to to the parameters:
m = m1 + m2 + m3; n <= 8; m <= 15; n > 0;
m > 0; m1 >= 0; m2 >= 0; m3 >= 0.
Once you fill in the table below, another table will be displayed where you will be able to put the data of your table.
So you give your linear programming problem a name and enter it with the parameters into the table. Then click 'submit parameters'.
You can also solve a small linear programming problem with the Dual Simplex Method, using a user friendly interface.
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