Figuring out university admissions
April 24, 2014
Elmer G. Wiens
204-5555 Balsam Street
Vancouver, B.C. V6M 4B5
The Vancouver Sun
Published: Vancouver Sun, Thursday, April 24, 2014 Page B7
Re: Demystifying university admissions, Opinion B7
Dear Editor
The public might be interested in answers to questions raised by Kate Ross’s explanation of UBC’s admissions procedures.
1. How was the number of domestic first-year spaces set at 6,271 for this year?
2. What was the average grade cut-off for accepted applications?
3. How do the registrar and staff weigh and rank the extracurricular activities of high school student? Does this include work-related experiences?
What about rural students who may not have the same opportunities to volunteer as urban students?
4. Why does Kate Ross begin her article with a reference to Ivy League universities? Does emulating these universities serve the
best interests of British Columbians?
Elmer G. Wiens
UBC Alumnus