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U.B.C. Student
Online magazine featuring theory and criticism of English literature, articles, short stories, poetry, letters, and reviews.

Elmer Wiens Career Resume
Resume of Elmer Wiens: Computer programmer, systems analyst, operations research analyst, government economist, and university professor and lecturer.

Pat Gillis and Elmer Wiens's Home Pages Home Page of Pat Gillis and Elmer Wiens.

Yarrow's Pioneers and Settlers Yarrow's Pioneers and Settlers, Yarrow BC.

Egwald Games Egwald's Favorite Interactive games: Rocket Blaster, 3D tic-tac-toe, the Towers of Hanoi, Blackjack. Challenging javascript games.

CITR 101.9 FM Radio UBC and Community Radio Station.
CiTR 101.9 FM Radio.

Statistics and Probability Statistics, probability, and stochastic processes.  Interactive online multiple regression package.  Hypotheses testing and random walks. Example — Predict Canadian Elections.

Economics - Microeconomics & Macroeconomics Microeconomics Models: Oligopoly / Public Firm Model, Differentiated Oligopoly, Monopolistic Competition, and Production Function Microeconomic Models.  Macroeconomics Models: Basic Macroeconomic IS-LM & AD-AS Models of the Canadian Economy with Comparative Statics. Dynamic and interactive.  International Economics: The Benefits of International Trade

Operations Research: Linear Programming and Two Person Games Online Linear Programming Solvers: Simplex and Dual Simplex Algorithms. Example solves a two-person game. Solve your own LP problem. Play a two person zero sum game online. Create your own two person game. Solve the "Battle of the Sexes" Cooperative Game with Nash Strategies. Is there a dilemma in "Prisoner's Dilemma?" Free-rider problem and game of chicken. Metagame example a la Nigel Howard.

Linear Algebra Linear Algebra: polynomials, vectors, matrices, linear equations, and linear differential equations. Discover the important methods used to decompose a matrix. Use the Gram-Schmidt process to compute orthogonal vectors. Use singular value decomposition to solve systems of equations.

Nonlinear Dynamics Nonlinear Dynamics: Continuous and discrete time models of dynamic processes. Analysis of stability and bifurcations. The logistic map and period doubling chaos, with interactive diagrams.

Geometry, 3D-graphics 3D-Geometry on the Web! Point-of-View! Perspective — 3D-House, Trajectory of a Projectile, Trigonometric and Hyperbolic Functions, Space Curves.

Optimal Control Solve Optimal Control Theory Problems. Learn how to use the Pontryagin Maximum Principle — Rocket car, missile intercept, linearized pendulum (harmonic oscillator), and linear-quadratic regulator problems.

Astronomy Topics in Astronomy and Cosmology


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Government Enterprises in Canada, Russia, and China Government Enterprise: The Nexus of Socialism and Capitalism. Examines how a government can control its public firms through managerial bonus systems. Examples — Canada, China, and Russia.

Reviewing the Arts in Vancouver Review Vancouver Ezine: Reviewing the Arts in Vancouver and beyond.

Mennonite Historical Society of BCMennonite Historical Society of British Columbia.

Mennonite PoetryMennonite Poetry.

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